Hi guys, hope you are all doing well. I was running errands the other day and while I was at it I stopped at a nice spot called Café Tratsch to grab some coffee – I am a lover of Coffee (”Kaffee” in German)! Not being up for much colour, I picked black which is […]
Slits and Lace-ups

Hello, I know I have been MIA but there is a good reason, that being said here I am lol. I am currently in Germany and experiencing a totally different climate from what I am used to – but hey, never let climate limit you. Today’s look is all about keeping it simple and dressing […]
Under my Umbrella

Hi everyone – it’s Thursday and I’m feeling great! And even though it’s a rainy day, that shouldn’t stop a woman from getting her style on. Life’s too short, so don’t let a few drops of rain keep you from having a nice time. I styled a simple white vest, which is every girl’s best […]