Dungarees are an old time favourite of mine, might not be everybody’s cup of tea but some of us just love them. They are like a dress and jeans in one which is great for me in the cooler months because I do not wear too many dresses around this time. I always like to […]
Plaid Scarf & Textures

Hello everyone! Some closet days can be confusing and you are not sure of what to wear, but I suggest playing around with different textures and patterns like I did in this post. I enjoyed layering and mixing different pieces for this look. The secret is to have some colour coordination. I had a black […]
Hat and All

Hi everyone! Wishing you a ‘Happy Tuesday’ and hope the rest of the week goes well. Yesterday was a good day, I was out in town and it was a fun-filled day with my hubby. I had to run a few errands, did some shopping and grabbed a smoothie on the way – trying to […]
On Time and in Style

Happy Monday everyone! It’s a new week and I am definitely ready for this one, I am feeling motivated and up for good vibes … wishing you all a lovely week. The world is yours – make it your runway! Olive Green is trendy and has won my heart lately – it’s a different colour […]